Christmas 2020, what to get the woman who has . . . . had a year of disappointment and cancelled plans? This was a hard year, lockdowns, home schooling, home working, self-isolation, fear, sickness, we all had a lot to deal with. Like a lot of people we had to cancel a foreign holiday which […]
Cloud Before Cloud
The First Cloud Rendered Production I started at HP Research Labs just after the turn of the new millennium. Since the first computers, enterprises have craved flexibility, scale and agility from their computing investments. This was true in 2000 and it is still true now; it is uncanny how those needs have remained constant over […]
Cloud Migration Simulation
In 2012 it had been clear for a long time that the future for IT was the Cloud. Service providers had already started the race to build the next wave of infrastructure, platforms and services. Decision makers in large, more risk averse IT purchasing organisations had seen the early providers and adopters and began to […]
ContainerOS – Secure, Scaleable, Manageable Containers
I’ve decided to take on a new role and gain experience in a new area for me. I’m going to be the R&D manager for an initiative we announced last December that’s growing at a rapid pace. Its a great opportunity to shape something still in its infancy and get more direct hands on strategy […]
Secure Situational Awareness
Situational Awareness is all the rage. Its being driven by advances in both display technologies and big data/predictive analytics/data science, etc. My team and I built this customer demonstration at HP Labs showing how we can use NFC based authentication to display and redact information from a situational awareness environment based on knowledge of the […]
Swindon Viewpoint
Swindon Viewpoint is Swindon and Britain’s original community media service with a unique history and special place in Britain’s media story. Its been called the ultimate digital diary of local life and culture. In 2007 we took a leap and began moving the vast collection online. I developed an online presence around the Drupal content management system […]
Home Energy Management from HP
In 2011 I managed the Advanced Development of a platform to deliver rich, analytics driven insights to domestic energy consumers. We trialled a number of key innovations in house holds across the San Francisco Bay Area. Including home dashboards, gamification of rewards for optimised behaviours, and disaggregation of energy sinks from a single signal. Homes […]
SE3D – Animation in the Cloud
In 2004 I was fortunate to work the community engagement aspects of this ambitious showcase collaboration project at HP Labs. We put together a community of 3D animators, and enabled them to use a flexible, on-demand, datacentre scale cloud rendering service from the comfort of their own home. This was something that had never been […]
HP Labs Government Grade Cloud Theatre
We launched a major project today to showcase an immersive government grade cloud management experience. I led the development of this from concept to delivery and its awesome. We run our visitors through a scenario developed to highlight some of the issues and trade-offs public sector and large private sector customers will face as they […]
Digital Video Workflow for the Encounters Film Festival
In 2005 HP Labs had formed a great relationship with the Bristol Encounters Film Festival. They approaches us to help re-imagine their video library for an upcoming event. Imagine a room full of tapes on shelves where festival delegates could take a stack of tapes to view on an old style VHS player. Whilst this […]